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Boiler Feed Water for Power Generation

High purity feed water is required to ensure proper operation of steam generation systems and reduce the use of boiler chemicals and fuel costs due to less frequent blowdown requirements. Using treated water with lower levels of impurities also prevents scale buildup and reduces corrosion rates in the boiler. Untreated water can cause silicate and colloidal deposits which decrease boiler efficiency and may result in premature failure of turbines.



Boiler Feed Water for Power Generation

AMI Membrane has been designing systems for boiler feed water and power generation since 1983. Our expertise allows us to tailor water treatment systems designed to meet all of these water challenges as they apply to your specific application. AMI systems are operating in major power facilities world-wide, including: SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric Company, General Motors, Cedar-Sinai, Bahamas Oil Refining Company, and many more.

Water Treatment Systems for Boiler Feed Water for General Motors Water Treatment Systems for Boiler Feed Water for SDGE Water Treatment Systems for Boiler Feed Water for Cedars-Sinai Hospital


Benefits of Treating Boiler Feed Water

  • Ensure proper and efficient operation of steam generation system
  • Improve operation & steam purity
  • Improve condensate corrosion control
  • Reduce fuel costs through lower heat loss and increased boiler cycles
  • Reduce boiler system chemical treatment costs
  • Reduce risk
  • Reduce external treatment costs; particularly if previously using cold or hot lime softening, ion exchange and / or re-generable DI
  • Remove / reduce hazardous acid and caustic chemicals

Product Lines

Contact us for a quote or for any additional information
or call us at 1.800.321.9321